Monday, February 21, 2005

Burning Ceder Branches

Worked today at the neighbor's property, cleaning their pasture of any remaining fallen Ceder branches, then I stacked them on a pile of smouldering dead grass for to flame away. It felt good to get out there and be a little busy for 5 hours of good brisk work. Went to Wal-Mart with my sister for a run of eggs, a birthday card, mechanical pencils, and two "Best of" SNL DVDs. This evening before supper Dawn the secretary (or administrative assistant for those wishing for a long title) from Milgard Windows, Inc. called, asking some questions about me and the application I had sent in a few weeks ago. She gave me a time slot for tomorrow at 9:00 for an interview, and I hapily accepted. Praise Yahweh!

I'm thinking about James 1:2-4 (KJV), about the writer's saying, "My brethern, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." We are made stronger when we are put to the gauntlet, the trials which come around every now and them, and our faith is on the forefront of that strength building.

The counting all joy part may seem unrealistic to those who may feel every now and again that life is only troublesome, difficult at every turn, but with that outlook I can only see dispair weighing on faith's stamina. So know that all things do work out for the good, the bad result of something can be a tool in the LORD's plans. Assuming that Satan did not know of God's plan of salvation, then he may have felt shocked that the Almighty's Son was raised and triumphed in three days. It would be astounding (but not impossible) that Satan didn't have any clue to the plan of God to save man. It does not matter in any way, but it's the curiosity that makes me write and wonder.In this case of patience (it may be the theme of this blog, knowing that it certainly is important with my life) working out perfection or wholeness in a person's life, it is the reliance on God which makes the man's life good. I may be devouted to this topic, and so the emphasis on it (or maybe the bais) will overpower most of thoughts in the future. But that is fine with me. "If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of God (1 John 2:29)." Throwing that in I see that this production of perfection is do to the doing of righteousness and it being in the faith; and that sort of sticks to my mind like peanut butter on the roof of my mouth.

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