Friday, April 08, 2005



the photos below are meaningful to me, since I walked or drived to take them. Two came from my Truck's windshield, one came from the window of Pizza Hut, and the others came sidewalks and streets and railroad tracks. Walking to me is a way to release any tension I might have from routines and repetitive environments, and by talking in my mind and aloud to God while on the romp, my thoughts eventually clear up. Our Creator can show us much if we slow down to see. We're all so hushily in the United States, so hasty and manicured for pleasure seeking, that we sometimes miss out on being obedient and faithful to God and His perfect plan for each of our lives. The plan involves us becoming less stuck on ourselves, which opens a huge door to love others and the Lord.

I'm not sure if these photos convey any sort of message which correlates with the words above, but if anything, they must convey something to each one who may see them. If anyone happens to check this site out at all, even once, then feel free to comment on anything you feel like--photos, the Bible, orangutans, tanning salons, or the Magna Carta.

Many blessings,


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