Sunday, April 03, 2005

Feeling A Little Like Job

"Is there not a time of hard service for a man on earth? Are not his days also like the days of a hired man" (Job 7: 1).

Though I am not in the same situation as Job, that honorable man of Uz, who had lost a hair shy of everything he had, including his children and livestock to natural disasters and thieves, my heart relates to him in the way that all men might be able to. I simply struggle too. We all do. I especially do not mind struggling, for it brings change and strength to my maturity and understanding. He who increases knowledge of God increases his strength says Solomon in one pearl of Proverbs, and thus it is that I have learnt this very simple fact: God will show me a thing instead of telling me. "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter " (Proverbs 25: 2).

Coming home this morning felt so wonderful, like a revelation, a gift of good news being sent through my soul, to be given the chance to work and come home tired and ready for rest is a blessing unto itself. My feet ache and my skin feel the irritation of the fiberglass, which is always the usual feeling of working in the Pultrusion department of a window and door manufacturer on a twelve hour shift. Ah, so good!

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