"Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these" (Matthew 6:26-29).
There was good encouragement at the Rietzugs house ("the Church Across the Street") this morning and into the early afternoon, and a good sampling of the bagels they plan to use in the coffee house which is planned to open up on Sunrise Boulevard sometime soon. They message today, presented by Henry, was of a few Scripture passages: Luke 24:36-49 (Jesus appears before the terrified eleven disciples, saying, "Peace to you...Behold My hands and feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as I have."), Acts 26:15-18 (Paul testifies to King Agrippa concerning his conversion which followed his very personal contact with Christ on the road to Damascus), and Matthew 28:18-20 (The emphasis was made on Jesus' words "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.").
Our discussions lead into current events, such as the late Pope Jean Paul II's death, viewing and funeral (see the New York Times' April 9 headline, "Pope Is Buried, Mourned by the Mighty and the Ordinary"), and on the Evangelical missionaries (that includes some of the ones who gather for church at the Reitzugs' home, such as Mike and Anne, an older couple will be leaving for Morocco in a week, and Lisa's husband Bob will be going overseas soon as well) soon to be deployed on the foreign mission field. As the Perelandrean King and Lady said "You make us older, Piebald" (Perelandra, C.S. Lewis) I, too, became a little older and wiser today simply by fellowshipping with some brothers and sisters in Christ. These days my socializing with familiar folks comes biweekly, as I get home from the Saturday shift on Sunday mornings for sleep personal time (i.e., lying around in a state of dormancy and repose). You'll notice in the photos that we congregate in the kitchen soon after the message and discussions with good refreshing cups of tea and coffee waiting with oranges, muffins and bagels to nourish the mind and palate. I love muffins and bagels.
During the last couple months I had thought about what I would do when I attain a job and my mom and step-dad prepare to move to Eastern Washington, and now with the fact that I have a full-time job and the folks are closer to moving, I continually pray and look for rent opportunities, providing that God has that in store for me. I have this surge of motivation and ambition in me when I pray through the day. While I make toast I pray. While I mow the lawns I pray. While I drive to town I pray. While I inspect and pack fiberglass parts I pray. Lord, use that time of prayer for Your perfect plan. I know that whatever You provide for me is right and good, and more importantly, the time in which You provide it is done so in a perfect way. Therefore I know that my housing situation will become known to me by the Lord's timing. I search out this matter because it is a matter of being self-sufficient on God's provision and it is a thing of growth; I must become my own provider of bread as I walk this earth, and thus seeking to honor my life in Christ, the Bread of Life. I find that this is quite an astonishing time in life, receiving miracles and witnessing miracles all the time; this prompts me to desire to continue on bearing and knowing and sharing God's grace throughout my entire life.
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