This is a true story. It happened to me and my brother, Jason. When we were boys, our grandfather Dennis (or Grandpa Elvis to some) told us lots of stories. Some were about his boyhood adventures while others were simply made up on the spot. One serial adventure story I fondly remember was about a gold miner named Ike "the Spike" Clampet, a man who struck it rich in the Sierra Nevada range. I suppose me and brother were quite caught up in gold, gold panning, and had the extra energy to burn digging in random
places on our grandparents' three acres. Grandpa saw the potential, and here's the result below. Enjoy.
Tucked away in my memories, when I was but a lad,
Not more than eight or nine, a treasure hunt I had.
My own California gold rush tale I'll relay-
One my own children might listen to someday.
Grandpa told us stories of miners and their gold
(Yarns so fantastic that we never tired of them told).
'Round the fireplace we sat listening to one particular story,
We kids caught gold fever: the treasure hunter's quest for glory.
Sizing up our keen interest, the enthralled look on each face,
Grandpa said, leaning in, "Didja know we have treasure on this place?"
My brother and I about fell over in utter surprise and disbelief
When Grandpa assured us finding treasure we could achieve.
Skeptical, we asked, "Really?" he said, "of course- if you work hard-
You might even find some buried treasure along the house in the yard!"
Well, our boyish imaginations ran wild with sheer delight
And we lay awake thinking 'bout gold in our dreams all that night.
Next morning after breakfast we found Grandpa had staked our claim.
Then he went off to work and we commenced to do the same.
Like a couple of greenhorn prospectors, our shoveled eagerly decended
Into the soil as our hopes rode high for that gold to be apprehended.
Digging and a'picking like two Yukon sourdoughs,
We felt as if in Grandpa's yard we find the City of El Dorado.
But like any seasoned miner knows, treasure doesn't just lay
right there on the ground,
So we deduced whatever we were digging for must be a foot
or two on down.
Our dig grew to six feet long, two feet deep and four feet wide.
Dirt was up to our elbows and we'd probably keep digging 'till we died.
Fortunately, to our relief , our trusty shovels went "KERPLUNK"!
We let out a yahoo and gleefully began uncovering what we struck.
After feathering away dirt and dust there we both sat-
Two exhausted, bewildered brothers not knowing what we
were looking at.
The gears in our brains turned from treasure to other thoughts-
Like why of all places did Grandpa have us dig in this spot?
As we sat there pondering, it became clear to tell
We hadn't uncovered gold for there arose a treacherous smell.
Here we are at the conclusion- here our hearts both sank.
For there's no fame, riches or glory when you dig up a septic tank.
Preparing This Outside Work
Posts spread widely apart and loosely related.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
First Post in Almost 5 Years!
So this has been a while. And now for a little context.
The last time this blog received any light of day from me, my wife and I were newlyweds, we didn't have a passel of children, we lived in Washington state, Bush was still in office, and the world had not yet come to an end during the Mayan apocalypse. So as you can plainly tell, my writing ambitions have been nil.
When I established (that sounds important, yes, I shall keep that word there) this blog, I obviously was in love with the Book of Proverbs, and, therefore, named my site after a NKJV rendering of one it's passages. I suppose every blog has a vision of what is supposed to be, I'm now figuring that out. At any rate, since this may just be me and a select few who stumble upon this little bit of cyber space, I shall set out to at least brush off the dust collecting on the writer in me.
I hope this rekindling of words brings some glory to God; if this is all that becomes of it then it will not be for nothing.
The last time this blog received any light of day from me, my wife and I were newlyweds, we didn't have a passel of children, we lived in Washington state, Bush was still in office, and the world had not yet come to an end during the Mayan apocalypse. So as you can plainly tell, my writing ambitions have been nil.
When I established (that sounds important, yes, I shall keep that word there) this blog, I obviously was in love with the Book of Proverbs, and, therefore, named my site after a NKJV rendering of one it's passages. I suppose every blog has a vision of what is supposed to be, I'm now figuring that out. At any rate, since this may just be me and a select few who stumble upon this little bit of cyber space, I shall set out to at least brush off the dust collecting on the writer in me.
I hope this rekindling of words brings some glory to God; if this is all that becomes of it then it will not be for nothing.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
A Lot Happens When You Grow
Saturday, April 08, 2006
A Prayer of Thanks and Simple Adoration

Great Father, Your works in the world today are mighty, taking the world by storm, coinciding with the love and care you place before the masses and the commission of the gospel in the hearts of Your children. Your love is unconditional. Your truth essential. Your Son Jesus Most High. Almighty God, I wish to express my gratitude to You for saving me and also for the continuous work You do as the Potter. For I am only clay. Mold me, dry me out, place me in the kiln, break me if need be, but use me in Your will, O LORD! The seas in chaos and the mountains erupting cannot compare to Your power. The sweetness of the rivers running through places that were bare, now lush and giving forth harvest, attest to Your compassion. May Your will be done and loved by all. Amen.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Worrying Not, Walking the Fields

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" (Matthew 6:25-27)
Remember this, O man. Take the Savior's words to heart. Embrace and follow. Listen, trust, obey. The Master's plan worketh well. Like the clearest sun light, rising on the saplings back in the orchards in the San Joaquin Valley in California, the Lord's truth and wisdom provide life and growth. A tree needs sun light, and it needs water as well. In early youth I can recall wading through almond tree orchards during irrigation, when the canal water was opened up and whole rows of trees would be covered a half foot or more up to the levies in between one orchard and the next. With cousins or siblings there have been plenty of times I have gone trekking through the soggy ground--much to the farmer's dismay, and ours when we were caught.
When I would walk through an irrigated field, my feet would leave their deep imprints in the soil, leaving plenty of uneven ground when the water would seep into the ground below, drunk up by the roots. Uneven ground is a loss for harvest time. The almonds would be shook from the branches of each tree yielding the crop by a machine; the mechanical arms would grasp the tree at its trunk and vibrate in such a way to do the work in several minutes what any laborer with a long stick might do in an hour. After each orchard's crop is on the ground, there comes along another tractor which sweeps all the almonds into rows to be picked up later. This sweeping is most effectual when the ground is even; when there is a dip or hole, many almonds may be lost or looked over. This is a loss. We youths probably contributed only a small part of that loss with our fun. Our cooling off during a hot day caused a "cooling off" in the farmer's pocket.
"loss" for the farmer is gain for the birds and varmits, who are sustained with this produce. Even the birds are provided for. Do
Not sure why I brought all that up, but it was an enjoyable recollection. It's been a long week. To go on with the general theme, one is not to worry about his life, for the Lord provides all that is needed. One cannot add any good to his state, his health, or life span by worrying. The reader may still be scratching his head by the inserted ancedote, but you ought to know that this not fret. The birds are cared for! You, a human being, are taken into account; whether you know it or not, you are loved dearly by the Creator. O Lord Christ, multiply Your Kingdom! Show Your compassion on all that would receive it. May Your followers walk in Your steps; give wisdom and boldness, strength and sustanance to us, Your sheep, Your warriors of the faith. In love may we walk, and walk through rough ground, breaking up holes and dips that are home to wayward produce. If this be senseless to any, so be it! Motivate me, Lord! May it be so.

To Seek and to Walk
"As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving." (Colossians 2:6-7)
God is on the move! His ways are swift and true; His light glows in the hearts of the true, the saints of His Way. Every day, despite the weary labor, I find rest in Christ's strength. Carrying on the work of the Lord with the church, Christ's body, is the calling which addresses and propels me onward. I do not understand to the utmost clarity what the line of work I am now in is preparing me for next. I dare not doubt what God has blessed me with, therefore, I, a servant of His majesty, shall live like a servant. My Lord lowered Himself to the likeness of man, undergoing the renunciation of status and comfort and pursuit of earthly kings while traveling and ministering to the poor and the sick and the sinners. A King He is, righteous and kind. As a servant, I must aspire to not only obey my Master but also be trained by Him and then imitate Him (Luke 6:36; Ephesians 5:1). To "walk in Him" is the centerpiece of my task.
The journey starts here on the path of the Christ, and it extends into the wilderness, places of peril, just as He walked. O to walk with integrity! To walk uprightly is a very good thing! Bravery for the weak, strength for the humble, boldness for the wise are given. Today's devotion from Spurgeon brings up Hosea 10:12, "It is time to seek the Lord." How, Lord, how? How shall I seek You this day? Now, in my youth, it is time. Yes, it is time to follow you, to respond to Your call.
Your Lordship is utterly motivating and meaningful to me. May my friends and family be strengthen every day by Your strength, O God. May those few who may come across this site of prose be filled with curiosity concerning who You are. If any asks, Who is this God whom is followed by the writer of this page? then may he or she be answered. In that request, may You take delight in granting if it is Your will, Father. Amen.
God is on the move! His ways are swift and true; His light glows in the hearts of the true, the saints of His Way. Every day, despite the weary labor, I find rest in Christ's strength. Carrying on the work of the Lord with the church, Christ's body, is the calling which addresses and propels me onward. I do not understand to the utmost clarity what the line of work I am now in is preparing me for next. I dare not doubt what God has blessed me with, therefore, I, a servant of His majesty, shall live like a servant. My Lord lowered Himself to the likeness of man, undergoing the renunciation of status and comfort and pursuit of earthly kings while traveling and ministering to the poor and the sick and the sinners. A King He is, righteous and kind. As a servant, I must aspire to not only obey my Master but also be trained by Him and then imitate Him (Luke 6:36; Ephesians 5:1). To "walk in Him" is the centerpiece of my task.
The journey starts here on the path of the Christ, and it extends into the wilderness, places of peril, just as He walked. O to walk with integrity! To walk uprightly is a very good thing! Bravery for the weak, strength for the humble, boldness for the wise are given. Today's devotion from Spurgeon brings up Hosea 10:12, "It is time to seek the Lord." How, Lord, how? How shall I seek You this day? Now, in my youth, it is time. Yes, it is time to follow you, to respond to Your call.
Your Lordship is utterly motivating and meaningful to me. May my friends and family be strengthen every day by Your strength, O God. May those few who may come across this site of prose be filled with curiosity concerning who You are. If any asks, Who is this God whom is followed by the writer of this page? then may he or she be answered. In that request, may You take delight in granting if it is Your will, Father. Amen.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Verses of Endurance
For Christ my life is spent,
In joy and hope's reward
And all that is deemed worthy.
All things of Chirst are true,
And I shall strive to answer,
"For my God, in meekness I will do."
Shall I fall countless times,
And share the weakness
Of Peter in denying my Lord,
And then bend to my knee?
To repentance I shall fall,
Say I, "O forgive me!"
And like a weepy child,
All wretchedness seems true.
But He, a patient, loving Father,
He is my comforter and shield.
And as a great commander
Gives his soldier a sword to wield,
You, O God, give me You.
And Your testimony I have,
With light to scatter darkness,
Without timidity have I strength,
TO affirm my alligence to You
And name Your name to any length.
In joy and hope's reward
And all that is deemed worthy.
All things of Chirst are true,
And I shall strive to answer,
"For my God, in meekness I will do."
Shall I fall countless times,
And share the weakness
Of Peter in denying my Lord,
And then bend to my knee?
To repentance I shall fall,
Say I, "O forgive me!"
And like a weepy child,
All wretchedness seems true.
But He, a patient, loving Father,
He is my comforter and shield.
And as a great commander
Gives his soldier a sword to wield,
You, O God, give me You.
And Your testimony I have,
With light to scatter darkness,
Without timidity have I strength,
TO affirm my alligence to You
And name Your name to any length.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
New Computer: New Possibilities
The Lord provideth much. I found a great deal on a Gateway this afternoon. Having a Saturday evening with a family of friends in Graham, having just finished supper. Will stand now with regular place for venting within this blog. Perhaps contructive prose will follow. God be glorified!
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